شرح independent clause and dependent clause

 independent clause and dependent clause

 Independent Clause : Independence/Completeness

An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause is a sentence. In other words, that particular clause can 
"stand on its own."
عبارة عن جملة مستقلة كاملة ومفيدة  تتكون من فعل وفاعل و لا تحتاج الى توضيح.

Ali studied English grammar last year. 
He was asking questions all the time.
we played football
I play basketball.
I finished my lunch

Dependent Clause

A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence.  

الجملة التابعة تتكون من فعل وفاعل ولكنها ليست جملة كاملة او مفيدة بمفردها وغالبا تبدأ باداة ربط او عطف

مثال: الجملة بهذا الشكل غير مفيدة لانها غير مكتملة

When Ali studied English grammar last year, ...
 ايه اللى حصل لما علي درس قواعد اللغة الانجليزية السنة الماضية

When Ali studied English grammar last year, he was very active in his classes.
عندما درس علي قواعد اللغة الانجليزية في السنة الماضية، كان متفاعلا جدا في دروسه.

When I finished my lunch, we played football.

عندما أنهيت غدائي، لعبنا كرة القدم.

هذه قائمة بمعظم ادوات الربط والعطف 

A list of the more common subordinating conjunctions.

After, all of which, although, as, as if, as long as, at which, because, before, even, even if,
even though, ever since;

how, if, in order that, since, so as, so that, than, that, though, till, unless, until, what,
whatever, when, whenever;

where, wherever, whether, which, whichever, while, who, whoever, whom, whomever,
whose, whosoever, why.

الشرح باسلوب آخر للفائدة  PowerPoint

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