Happy New Year 2013

By Susan Leigh
Some people say that luck is all about attitude and application and indeed, the champion golfer, Jack Nicklaus, when congratulated on being so lucky, famously replied ' you know, the more I practice, the luckier I get'. Let's take time to consider how you treat the different areas of your life.
Let's look at some areas where you can focus your attention in order to ensure that 2013 is lucky for you:
Relationships: It's important to allocate time to the important relationships in your life. Often our partners get forgotten about; we trust that close relationships will take care of themselves because they're good. We may forget that they need attention, listening to, consideration, as we devote the bulk of our energies to other, more demanding areas.
Or we may gradually grow to feel resentful about certain aspects of our relationship, suppress those feelings in order to avoid conflict, but then, over time start to move away emotionally and live our own lives. Use New Year as the time to re-focus on improving the important relationships in your life.
Take time to communicate your needs and feelings in an honest, non-accusatory way. Say what bothers/annoys/upsets you, what you want and need in return. Take responsibility for your own feelings and listen respectfully to what's said in reply. Don't interrupt, second-guess or finish their sentences. You'll find that something this simple can really benefit and make you luckier in your relationships.
Work: Commit to undertaking your tasks with enthusiasm and good grace. It doesn't matter what other unhappy colleagues say, think, feel; they're not paying your bills. If you're unhappy at work, consider your options. Would it help to speak to Human Resources, look to retrain, ask for another role? Sometimes having a satisfying interest away from work can play a big part in improving the overall levels of happiness in your life.
You: By becoming the most important person in your life you ensure that your quality of life improves. Looking after your own needs means behaving as an adult, being considerate about others but being clear about what's right for you. Make time to eat well, exercise, look after the things that matter to you. Sometimes the New Year can be a good time to reflect on your image. Use it as an opportunity to decide on a fresh start, if that's what you feel is important.
Learning to be assertive in an appropriate way, perhaps with the use of humour, but with a clear and firm message allows others to appreciate that you are serious about your needs. A shift of emphasis in your tone can significantly change your life for the better.
By following these simple steps you'll be amazed at how lucky you become.
Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief, with couples in crisis to improve communications and understanding and with business clients to support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams.
For more information see http://www.lifestyletherapy.net
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Susan_Leigh