How To Learn English Online For Free

 by Kristy Turner

With the internet becoming such a big part of life, no matter what language you speak, it follows that students can use it as a tool to learn a new language. Of course this applies to English. English is the language of commerce, and it is the most common language sought out by people studying a second language. And with videos and other multimedia being even more available now for free, this gives students even more options. Overall, it's never been easier to find English lessons online for free.

Online, there are three different categories that could be used to classify the methods to learn English online for free. You can find free lessons, you can practice speaking with native speakers, or you can find teachers that will give you free lessons. Often the free lessons don't last long, as they will expect you to pay eventually, but they're free until that point at least.

Today, there are literally thousands of websites dedicated to online English learning. Some have very basic programs while many more have advanced and effective learning methods that will surely make you speak native English in a very short time. The more complicated they are, the more they cost, so finding free ones sometimes takes time. But do not get discouraged, there are some high quality free lessons online. These sites are truly dedicated to helping people, which is always a good thing.

Speaking of free lessons online. You might be surprised how many online sites have videos with English lessons on them. These are a great way to study at your own pace. The only problem is that they are of a varying quality, and they usually don't follow each other in any sensible system or progression. They are great though for practice or for the odd lesson.

Another relatively recent innovation is the growth of sites called "language exchange" programs. These sites are sometimes free and sometimes charge a small amount to keep up the web site. These sites focus on introducing native speakers of many languages to others who wish to learn a language. After that point, it is up to you to follow-up and even start a friendship with someone in another country. But look at what it can do for you. You can gain a true friend, who will also give you insight into more than the language but the culture as well. Plus you get a chance to practice your language skills in a very informal and comfortable way.

The last way is the one that is the newest, and growing the fastest. There are many teachers online who specialize in teaching English to speakers of other languages. And you can find these people, and apply some of the earlier methods already covered. Often they will have a web site of their own, where they offer free lessons. They may even have videos of themselves teaching a class, that you can watch for free. Not as often but still possible, you can ask them to become your friend, and set up a language exchange type of relationship. Some will be happy to help. Usually, they will want you to sign up for free lessons though, hoping you plan on becoming their regular student.

Now each of these methods of learning or practice your English skills has pros and cons. Finding lessons on the internet is great if you can motivate yourself, and you have the time to find them. Depending on your language skills, this is sometimes very challenging.

The second, is great fun so you can learn a lot, but remember this person is probably not a teacher, so is not trained to help you learn a language. This method of language exchange is more focused on giving you the opportunity to practice what you've already learned, not teaching you.

The last method is probably the best because you have a proper teacher to work with you. Even if you end up paying, you can still practice speaking through video. Often they will use Skype or MSN Messenger or something similar. Also if you get stuck or have difficulty in some area, they are right with you to help.

But the best thing about ALL of these is that you are in control. It is up to you to get motivated. You can decide if you want to learn grammar or just practice speaking. You can find a teacher you are comfortable with, or find a web site you are comfortable with. Again it is up to you. All in the comfort of your home, or your dorm room, or your school, or your favorite coffee shop.

You will find many opportunities online to practice or even increase your English skills. All you need to do is a bit of research. If you are not confident enough in your language skills to research, ask a friend to help you. If you do choose to use your online resources to improve your English free, you will get good value and many more options for your future.

If you like the idea of learning English online for free, you should visit and sign up for a free lesson.
Mick is a CELTA certified teacher, freelance writer and blogger. He writes on many subjects that he is passionate about including business start ups, dating and relationships, online marketing, and living as a "citizen of the world" expat.
He believes skype will change the way education is delivered to students, and is backing that by using his website to teach students that want to learn English.

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