Kaplan TOEFL Paper and Pencil
Powerful strategies for the new computer-based TOEFL.
Kaplan's TOEFL® Exam Workbook with 3 Audio CDs, 3d Edition provides a complete review of all the material on both the computer-based and paper-based TOEFL® exam, plus targeted practice for all sections of the test. This review, plus Kaplan's powerful test-taking strategies, makes TOEFL® Exam Workbook a highly effective tool to help you score higher on the TOEFL® exam and make yourself more competitive for admission to an American university.
Succeed in every section of the TOEFL® exam with comprehensive lessons in Structure, Writing, Reading Comprehension, and Listening Comprehension.
Prepare with detailed information on the test, plus hundreds of practice questions to build your skills in important TOEFL® concepts.
Practice with 3 full-length practice tests with complete score analysis and 3 audio CDs for listening comprehension and vocabulary review.
Score Higher
with effective strategies for budgeting time, understanding directions, managing stress, and more.
# Special Audio CDs Feature: Listening comprehension lessons
# Vocabulry review
# 3 listening comprehension practice test sections