This fully revised edition of the Dictionary of Medical Terms" now includes over 12,500 terms from British and international medical practice, explained in clear, simple English. It covers fields such as surgery, general practice, hospitals, clinics, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry and other specialisms, and includes example sentences for each entry, together with grammar notes and parts of speech. As well as technical language
it also includes informal terms of the kind used between professionals or professionals and patients. It is a valuable practical reference for interns, nurses or trainees in any medical field and its clear explanations make it ideal for professionals learning English for medicine, for A-level and undergraduate students, and for home reference. "An informative, essential reference text for anyone working in the healthcare community. This paperback is put together in an easy, accessible way and its soft-durable cover makes it resilient, user-friendly and you can always easily find what you want."
Glossary of Medical Terms
basic medical terminology.pdf
Dictionary of medical terms. [Dictionaire des termes de médicine] (1899)
Dictionary of medical terms.txt
Dictionary of medical terms.pdf
Dictionary of medical terms.djvu