English vocabulary-Merriam-Webster
— in the market
مهتم بالشراء
— in the market
مهتم بالشراء
تعني ان تبحث عن شيء لتشتريه مثل منزل او سيارة
: in the position of being a potential buyer <in the marketfor a house>
— on the market
تعني توفر سلعة او خدمة للبيع - معروض للبيع
: available for purchase; also : up for sale <put their house on the market>
: in the position of being a potential buyer <in the marketfor a house>
— on the market
تعني توفر سلعة او خدمة للبيع - معروض للبيع
: available for purchase; also : up for sale <put their house on the market>
CompanyX is on the market for a takeover.
CompanyX is in the market for a takeover.
الجملة الاولى تعني الشركة معرضة للخسارة ويمكن لاي شخص الاستحواذ عليها.
الجملة الثانية تعني ان الشركة تريد ان تشتري او تستحوذ على نشاط اخر.
in the market
Interested in buying: We are in the market for a used car.
on the market
1. Available for buying: Many kinds of seasonal flowers are on the market.
2. Up for sale: They put the family business on the market.
Interested in buying: We are in the market for a used car.
on the market
1. Available for buying: Many kinds of seasonal flowers are on the market.
2. Up for sale: They put the family business on the market.