شرح كيفية الاستئذان باستخدام اللغة الانجليزية في الفيديوا التالي
Asking for permission تعلم طلب اذن
Giving Permission اعطاء اذن
Refusing permissing رفض الاذن

. Sure. I'll .... Oh, OK. I'll ...
. Yes, of course.
. No problem.
. All right. I'll do it.
. Not at all.
. No, not at all.
. Sure. No problem.
. Sure. Here you are.
. OK. Here you are.
. That’s OK, I guess.
. I’d be glad to.
. Fine. No problem.
. Oh, I'm really sorry. I'm using it.. I'm sorry but I'm busy righ now.
. Sorry, but . . .
. I’d like to, but . . .
. Sorry. I didn't know I was disturbing you.
. Sorry. I didn't know it was bothering you.
learningenglish - howto_ask_permission.mp3
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