English vocabulary spectrum analysis for the technological and vocational college/university programs in non-native English speaking nations

"English vocabulary spectrum analysis for the technological and vocational college/university programs in non-native English speaking nations," Technology and Society, 2004. ISTAS '04. International Symposium on , vol., no., pp. 96- 101, 17-19 June 2004
doi: 10.1109/ISTAS.2004.1314332

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to systematically design the English course in school-based curricula (SBC) in technological and vocational college/university (TVCU) programs, to make the graduates communicate with the professionals in the native English speaking nations (NESN) smoothly. The first step of the systematic design of the English courses is to make the spectrum analysis of the English vocabulary for vocational use in the TVCU programs. Compute the adequate vocabulary for vocational use and put them to the contents of the English textbooks will make the students learn English more practically. The English abilities in TVCU programs are based on the 17 occupational families (OFs) according to the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. This study divided them into 7 occupational groups (OGs). All vocabulary in the TVCU programs through the spectrum analysis can be organized into the common English and 7 OGs. The textbooks of English courses can be based on this vocabulary through the spectrum analysis. The English courses are designed by the object-oriented principle. This method is helpful to the curriculum design of TVCU programs which will be put into practice in 2005 and gives the English curriculum overview for technology and vocational education systems. Due to the analysis and the curriculum design, the globalizing pace in Taiwan will be speeded up.