grammarway 4 كتاب قواعد اللغة الإنجليزية

English grammar way 4
Grammarway is a series of four grammar books in full colour. Learners of English at beginner to intermediate level can systematically practise and revise English grammar structures. The series can be used to supplement any main course book at secondary level and is suitable both for self-study and classroom use.


Unit1 Tenses (Present forms - Past forms - future forms)
Unit2 Infinitives - The -ing form Too - Enough Participles
Unit3  Adjectives - Adverbs - Comparisons
Unit4 Nouns - Articles - Word formation
Unit5 Models Verbs
Unit6 The Passive - Have Something Done
Unit7  Reported Speech
Unit8 Emphasis - Inversion
Unit9 Conditionals - Wishes - Had Better Would Rather - Unreal Past
Unit10 Clauses - Linking Words
Unit 11 Pronouns - Possessives - Demonstratives - Qualifiers
Unit12  Questions and Answers - Words often Confused

Irregular Verbs
Progress Tests
Word List