Prepsition : Along حرف الجر


1 Along means following the boundary of something. بمعنى بمحاذاة شيء او على حدود شيء

Pattern: verb + along + noun
We walked along the water's edge at the beach last night.

مشينا البارحة على طول حافة مياه الشاطئ

Typical verbs before along: أفعال تاتي قبل الحرف
jog , stroll, run, walk

2 Along with means together. بمعنى معا او مع بعض

Pattern: verb + along with + noun
He used to sing along with me. كنا نغني معا

Typical verbs used before along with: افعال تستخدم قبل الحرف
hum, play, run, sing, walk, work

3 Expressions تعبيرات

all along (adverb)—the whole past time طوال الوقت الماضي
They have been enemies all along. كانوا أعداءً طوال الوقت

4 Phrasal verbs أشباه الجمل من الحرف

get along (intransitive)—live together in harmony العيش معا بانسجام
She and her old roommate didn't get along. هي وصديقتها في السكن لم ينسجما معا

My boss and I get along very well أنا ومديري متفقين بشكل جيد

get along with (nonseparable)—to live in harmony with someone تعيش بانسجام مع شخص
I hope she gets along with her new roommate.أتمني أن تتفق مع زميلتها في السكن