English - Dicas II .doc
- Spelling
Words + -s and -es (birds/watches,etc.)
Words ending in -y (baby -> babies/ study->studied, etc.)
-ing / -ed / -er / -est
- Two-Word Verbs ( look out / take off, etc.)
- Two-Word Verbs + Object ( put out a fire / try
on clothes, etc.)
- Irregular Verbs in Groups
- Old/Older and expensive / more expensive
- Older than ... and more expensive than ...
- Not as ... as
- The oldest and the most expensive
- Comparison ( cheaper,more expensive, etc.)

- Days of the week
- dhe deiz ov dhe uik
- Meses do ano
- Months of the year
- Dhe manths ov dhe iar
- Estacoes do ano
- Cores
- Kalarz
- Conversao geral
- Perguntando e Respondendo
- Apresentando
- Situacoes e Lugares
- Comprando
- Direcoes e Viagens
- Preposicoes de movimento
- Preposicoes de lugar
- Como telefonar
- Falsos amigos
- Expressoes numericas
- Expressoes Idiomaticas e Girias
- Idiomatcs Expressions and slangs