TOEFL IBT Practice Test 1, 2 & 3
The 'Next Generation' TOEFL® iBT Test
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL ® test) has undergone some important changes. In order to meet the challenge of providing a more comprehensive
Just like the computer-based TOEFL® exams, this section includes short and long conversations, lectures, and
The major change to the 'Next Generation' TOEFL ® test is the inclusion of a mandatory speaking component - the Academic Speaking Test. Your responses will be recorded on the computer and then reviewed later and given a score. During the test you will be asked six questions, two of which will focus on familiar topics. The other four will ask about short conversations, lectures, and reading passages. In our Practice TOEFL ® iBT Test Speaking section, you will be given examples of responses and the corresponding scores so you can get an idea of what is expected in this new section of the exam.
There are nine different types of questions in the TOEFL ® Reading section that range from inserting a sentence into a paragraph to reading a piece of the text to identify the purpose of the passage. There are also some new question types in the new TOEFL ® iBT Test which are all included in this CD.
The new Writing section now includes two writing tasks instead of just one. There is an integrated task (combining listening, reading, and writing) in addition to the current independent task, and typing is required. In our practice exam you will be given examples of written responses and the corresponding scores so you can get an idea of what is expected in this section of the test.