English prepositions: English words that limit nouns, by indicating relationships with following phrases
* aboard
* about
* above
* across
* after
* against
* along
* alongside
* amid
* amidst
* among
* amongst
* around
* as
* aside
* astride
* at
* athwart
* atop
* barring
* before
* behind
* below
* beneath
* beside
* besides
* between
* beyond
* by
* circa
* concerning
* despite
* down
* during
* except
* excluding
* failing
* following
* for
* from
* given
* in
* including
* inside
* into
* like
* mid (from "amid". Usually used poetically.)
* minus
* near
* next
* notwithstanding (also used post positionally)
* of
* off
* on
* onto
* opposite
* out
* outside
* over
* pace
* past
* per
* plus
* regarding
* round
* save
* since
* than
* through
* throughout
* till
* times
* to
* toward
* towards
* under
* underneath
* unlike
* until
* up
* upon
* versus
* via
* with
* within
* without
* worth
[edit] Multiple words
Two words
* according to
* ahead of
* as regards
* as per
* aside from
* because of
* close to
* due to
* except for
* far from
* in to (contracted as into)
* inside of (note that inside out is an adjective, not a preposition)
* instead of
* near to
* next to
* on to (contracted as onto)
* out from
* out of
* outside of
* owing to
* prior to
* pursuant to
* regardless of
* subsequent to
* that of
Three words
* as far as
* as well as
* by means of
* in accordance with
* in addition to
* in case of
* in front of
* in lieu of
* in place of
* in spite of
* on account of
* on behalf of
* on top of
* with regard to
* with respect to
Archaic or infrequently used
* anent
* anti (loan word)
* behither
* betwixt
* cum (loan word)
* ere
* fornenst[1]
* fornent[1]
* outwith
* pro (loan word)
* qua (loan word)
* re (loan word)
* sans (loan word)
* unto (largely supplanted by to; used in some formal, religious, and/or archaic contexts)
* vis-à-vis (loan word)
Not fully grammaticalised
* concerning
* considering
* regarding
Preposition-like modifiers of quantified noun phrases
* apart from
* but
* except
* plus
* save
* ago as in "five years ago", sometimes (wrongly) considered an adverb rather than a postposition
* apart as in "this apart", also used prepositionally ("apart from this")
* aside as in "such examples aside", also used prepositionally ("aside from such examples")
* away as in "five light years away", sometimes (wrongly) considered an adverb or an adjective rather than a postposition
* hence as in "five years hence", sometimes considered an adverb rather than a postposition
* notwithstanding also used prepositionally
* on as in "five years on", also used prepositionally
* through as in "the whole night through", also used prepositionally
* withal archaic as a postposition meaning with