من الأخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الإنجليزية، استخدام etc لاختصار الأسماء والأشياء بينما هناك فرق بين الاختصارين etc. and et al.:
Et al. تعني وآخرون
وتستخدم للاشارة الى مجموعة أشخاص آخرين لم يستطع الكاتب ذكر جميع أسمائهم.
Et al. is an abbreviation for et alia: and others. It is used in formal writing to avoid a long list of names of people who have written something together:
Eg. "The reorganization plan was designed by Alfred E. Newman, General Halftrack, Zippy the Pinhead, et al.; and it was pretty useless.”
As a child I disliked everything about Christopher Robin, from his nanny’s beautiful blue dressing gown on the door to his dim-witted friends Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, Tigger et al. [Guardian]
et cetetra.
etc. تعني "أشياء أخرى" او إلى آخره "الخ."
تستخدم لاختصار قائمة طويلة من الاشياء .
etc. or Et cetera., is a Latin abbreviation that mean " and other things" or "so forth",
“I moved to Nebraska because I was broke and it was cheap there, and I needed to clean up my bed, etc,”
"إنتقلت الى نبراسكا لأنني كنت مفلسا ولأن الحياة هناك كانت أرخص وأردت أن أرتب شؤوني، الخ."
Today, I have English writing homework, math exam, cleaning, etc., I don't have time for hanging out.
They have cookies, cakes, peanuts, fairy floss, etc.
"Students should not pack liquids in their carry-on bags (water, shampoo, makeup remover, etc.)"
Remember to take some paper, a pen, etc.
تذكر أن تحضر بعض الورق وقلم، الخ.